ICODOC 2021 > Plenaries speakers

Doctor of Education and Associate Researcher ICAR (UMR 9151)
Her thesis focuses on learning and transmission in the workplace in the context of the training of apprenticeship teachers.

PhD in linguistics and post-doctoral fellow at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, project "Einfach komplex" (Simple complex)
After working on the acquisition of information structure skills in German-speaking children, she is currently interested in the so-called simple German language ("Leichte Sprache") where she focuses on causal relationships and their variant embodiments.

Associate professor of interactional linguistics at the Department of Arts at KU Leuven
His research interests focus on social interactions in the ordinary context which are fully understood as a multimodal event.

Luisa Martin ROJO
Professor of Linguistics at the Autonomous University of Madrid
Specializing in ethnographic and interactional sociolinguistics, she is interested in multilingualism in education and the role of language practices in the construction of inequalities in the classroom.

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